Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Ring of Endless Light

Author: Madeline L'Engel
My Description: It was a good book. I really enjoyed it... It was very... deep. One thing I will say is that this book is about life and death... consiquently, this book is full of life and death...
Also, the book didn't end, it just stopped. I didn't understand what was going to happen to the characters, or how it was all going to work out. I enjoyed this book, but it definetly is for older readers.

I can't say anything more.

Back-Of-The-Book Description: Vicky Austin is filled with strong feelings as she stands near Commander Rodney's grave while her grandfather, who himself is dying of cancer, recites the funeral service. Watching his condition deteriorate as the summer passes on beautiful Seven Bay Island is almost more than Vicky can bear. To complicate things, she finds herself the center of attention for three very different boys: Leo is an old friend wanting comfort and longing for romance; Zachary, whose attempted suicide inadvertently caused the Commander's death, is attractive and sophisticated but desperately troubled; and Adam, her older brother's friend, offers her a wonderful chance to assist in his experiments with dophins but treats her as a young girl just when she's ready to feel most grown-up.
Starting Date: March 12th
Ending Date: March 15th
Reading Time: Four days
Pages: 336
Recommendations: Mostly for girls 13 and up
Writing Rating: 8
Story Rating: 7
Overall Rating: 8

Book #17 of '08

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