Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Gorgan's Gaze

(no picture available)

Author: Julia Golding
My Description: Another of my types! This one was very very enjoyable. A great come-back and sequel to the first in the Companions Quartet (Secret of the Sirens). I highly enjoyed it and expect you will too.
Also, I really understood and liked the Kullervo part near the end. I truly related as to how Connie felt. In most instances where the lead refuses to kill the villain, I find it very stupid and unbelievable. In this one, it made sense, and I really got it.
Back-of-the-Book Description: Connie Lionheart's calculating great-aunt and uncle try to take her away from the tantalizing reach of the Society for the Protection of Mythical Creatures. What they don't realize (or do they?) is that Connie is the Society's most important member--she is the only universal companion able to bond with all mythical creatures. Connie's great gift also puts her in great danger, as the evil shape-shifter Kullervo needs her power to destroy the Society once and for all. But how can Connie help anyone, even herself, when she hasn't learned how to use her gift yet? In this second book of the Companions Quartet, Connie and her friends team together again to protect the fragile bonds between humans, creatures, and the world we must share.
Starting Date:
Ending Date:
Reading Time:
Pages: 320
Recommendations: To those who enjoy fantasies with adventure.
Writing Rating: 7
Story Rating: 7
Overall Rating: 7

Book #34 of '08

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