Monday, January 26, 2009

Keeper of the Waters

Author: Jenna Solitaire

Back-of-the-Book Description: Having mastered the power of the Board of Air, Jenna travels to Jerusalem to find the Board of Water. She is accompanied by Simon Monk, who seeks the Boards on behalf of the Vatican. Jenna doesn’t trust Simon, but he’s her only source of information about the Boards. In Jerusalem, Jenna meets Saduj, a local guide who claims to be able to help them find the Board they seek. Simon is suspicious, but Jenna finds herself strangely attracted to Saduj. Jenna must find the Board before it awakens and causes unimaginable destruction. But will she lose her heart—and possibly her life—in the process?
My Description: Keeper of the Waters in the Daughter of Destiny series is about as interesting as it's predecessor, Keeper of the Winds. Shifting a little in theme from the first book (which introduced the first Board and the central characters) this one centers around finding the next Board--the Board of the Waters. Simon is still a cool character, but his fights with Saduj get annoying. Jenna gets angry with Simon too easily, and the one time she should really blow up at him she forgives him almost instantly.
The last book was more geared towards teen girls, but boys would have enjoyed it and younger peoples--or a family reading together--would have also... this one is definitely in teen territory, and moved even more to the girly side. Upped in violence slightly (but less death than the other) this book also has romantic content that should be for older readers.
Jenna makes some comments she shouldn't, and should have trusted Simon a lot more than she did. A little confusing in all, but still really interesting and I highly enjoyed it.
Recommendations: To those who liked the other Daughter of Destiny books... Probably teen girls.
Pages: 256
Writing Rating: 7
Story Rating: 8
Overall Rating: 7 1/2

Book #5 of '09, Book #55 of all

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