Friday, January 30, 2009

Keeper of the Earth

Back-of-the-Book Description: Having found the Board of Fire, Jenna and Simon hurry to decipher the clues that will lead them to the Board of Earth—and mastery over the very land itself. But on their way to locate the tomb of a mythical English hero while fending off shadowy new attackers who want the Boards for themselves, an offer of help comes from a surprising source. Can Jenna and Simon trust this offer—or are they walking straight into a trap set by the one who has coveted the Boards for millennia?
My Description: When I write my reviews I try not to give anything away. I keep my mouth shut mostly. But there are some cases when it is necessary to reveal certain things... and this is one of them.
I've read and loved this series. I've given a piece of my heart to all of the characters. I've invested myself in the Daughter of Destiny series (including Keeper of the Winds, Keeper of the Waters and Keeper of the Flames). And in this book, Simon Monk dies.
My sister read Keeper of the Earth first, and she told me, and I am ever grateful to her that she did. His death was very well written, and that almost made it worse. You put down the book to cry a little, finally feel better, start reading and then sob all over again. How could the author have killed Simon?!? He's been there forever, he's the safe one... I'd rather have any other character die, just not Simon! It broke my heart, and I lost that little piece I gave him. I also lost the piece I gave Jenna, because she is heart-broken too. The worst part is during that last few pages of him dying author keeps giving you hope that he'll make it, that Jenna will find a way to save him... and then she doesn't. That's why I'm telling you: because I couldn't have taken it if Dear Sister hadn't told me about Simon dying, so I'm saving you from facing that alone.
His death made me utterly hate this book, even though it is wonderful, and almost exceeds the others.
I would have liked to have learned more about Jenna's ancestor Morgan Le Fay, and I was bothered by Jenna saying nonchalantly to Simon "You don't trust anyone!" when he tells her he's suspicious of someone... Yes, Simon hardly trusts anyone, but the funny thing is even though he hardly trusts anyone, he's always right!!!
Besides the problems I stated earlier, this book was great. Interesting, fun... not to mention a wonderful premise. I would have loved it...

...if Simon had not died.
Pages: 256
Recommendations: To those who don't like the character of Simon.... Okay, okay, to teen girls, or others who liked this series. It's a little violent, so be warned.
Writing Rating: 7
Story Rating: 8
Overall Rating: 7 3/4

Book #7 of '09, Book #57 of all


Tecres Agent said...

Weird...My 2008 all time favorite series has a Jenna and a Simon....

If ONLY Simon would die in that one.

Galaxy said...

Hahaha... Well, I hope he gets better! Thanks for commenting on my blog.
