Friday, January 16, 2009


Author: Gail Carson Levine
Back-of-the-Book Description: Falling in love is never easy, but falling in love with an immortal god while your days on Earth are numbered is almost more than a young girl can bear. Newbery Honor author Gail Carson Levine has created a stunning new world of flawed gods, unbreakable vows, and ancient omens in this spellbinding story of Kezi, a girl confronted with a terrible destiny. Attempting to thwart her fate, Kezi and her love, Olus -- the god of wind and loneliness -- embark on a series of dangerous and seemingly impossible quests.
My Description: I was really excited about Ever... I'm just now getting into 'romance' and the book looked and sounded very interesting... Unfortunately, it fell a little flat.
Olus falling in love with Kezi was believable to me, because he had watched her and her family for over six months, but her falling in love with him so quickly seemed a little rushed. I'm used to love happening quickly in movies and stuff, but I think there should have been a bit more time set aside for that.

The whole 'test' thing seemed a little odd to me... it was like the gods were setting Kezi up to become a 'heroine', rather than her becoming one of her own. Not only that, but it seemed a little easy, and if she wasn't searching for Admat it would have been easier. Still, that wasn't so bad, and I enjoyed how Kezi handled her test--muscle memory saved the day!

I was a little sad that Kezi ended up away from her family... I kept expecting something to happen that would change the course of the story... Something to make everything alright... but that was another thing about this book, it stated where it was going, and that's where it went; there weren't any twists.

Also, I would have liked it if Olus and Kezi had found Admat (the god Kezi always believed in, but she started doubting his existence when she met other gods who didn't know about him), or proved he didn't exist. That was a mystery in the story that I was looking forwards to having solved, but it was left open.

Ever wasn't really bad, it's just wasn't making me jump for joy or anything. It was okay throughout, with a bit more action in the middle. I had a good time reading it, I suppose, but it's not the best.
Pages: 256
Recommendations: To those who enjoy romance for a rainy day... I don't know why but it seems like a good 'rainy day' book to me.
Writing Rating: 6
Story Rating: 7
Overall Rating: 5 1/2

Book #1 of '09, Book #51 of all


Froggy said...

Hi, Galaxy!

Should that say "Book #1 of '09"? Because I think it said "Book #1 of '08".


Congratulations on reading so many books last year! :)

Galaxy said...

Ooooooops... Thanks!