Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Best Written Award Nominee(#1)

It's time to award the book that I just keep thinking about. A book that I couldn't get out of my head. A book that was really good. A book that I enjoyed, though the end depressed me.

I will award...

(by Donna Jo Napoli)

Sirena is a beautifully written book. Even now I just keep thinking about it. It had a large impact on me... The story is so sweet, so sad, so... I just loved it. It's one of those books that you can't tell what you think of it until it's over. Then you hate it. But as time passes you know you love it. I do.

Honorable Mentions:

Waiting For Odysseus

That's all, Folks!



Galaxy said...

Oh, click on 'Sirena' above the picture of the cover to read my full review.

Galaxy said...

Also, I'm just giving out rewards at the moment so that you can see where it stands. At the end of the year I'll give to official results. I guess the ones I reward during the year are nominees(sp).